
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Bob (sledding)!

Hey all.

I am first of all so excited to report that I indeed chopped my locks off last night. I initially went in thinking I was going to do a long bob with some thick bangs and walked out with a chin length bob with chunky blunt fringe.
The hair stylist said that if I were to cut it where I initially wanted to I would have about 8in. and that I wouldn't have enough to donate. What? I wasn't even thinking about donating. But then my heart got the better of me when she said I have such a rare color that was in great shape and would be great for some wigs. So, I asked what it would look like if I got the ten and she motioned to about the middle of my neck with her black comb. Hmmmmmm. Okay! Just cut it off I said.
So she gathered a ponytail and went right into it. I didn't squeel, I didn't weep, I don't even think I blinked actually. It happened quickly. I had no emotion about the fact that I was getting rid of hair that I have virtually had grown long, for going on 5 maybe 6 years at least. She asked me if I was okay... of course I'm okay it's HAIR! And, my hair grows like a weed. So although it is a bit shorter than I originally wanted... I think soon enough it will be exactly what I had planned for it to be.

Update about our weekend. Our goal was to go out to dinner on Friday night, go shopping on Saturday for groceries and stay in the rest of the week until next Friday...  we failed. Friday's dinner was such a disappointment. We went to Don Hall's Tavern, which is always really good. My mom and brother Nate came along. Nolan and Nevaly both fell asleep in the 12 minute car ride it took to get there from our house. Oh great! I already know how this is going to go... and it did.
Nolan got woke up and was a GROUCH! He was persistent in the mean department for all of dinner, which just put me on edge because Rob was totally stressed out by his behavior. And all the while, my Droehm of having a great night out had vanished. Nolan lately has been having a pretty bad attitude about ANYTHING, so we had both just had enough. Ended up getting home and putting the kids to bed for the night.
Saturday came and we broke the rule. We decided to go to Taco Bell for lunch. I LOVE Taco Bell. Seriously. A taco is something I could eat everyday if I had to. Or anything Mexican for that matter. We planned to make our own buffalo wings Saturday night, but instead ended up helping out at the Orchid and eating the Roast we had forgotten we put in the crock pot before we left. Not bad actually after being in for 8 hours. We struggled saturday night with getting the kids to eat their dinner, and decided it was time to really crack down on the kids "snacking" all day.
I take responsibility because I am their mother. I take responsibility because I am the one who watches them all day everyday. I take responsibility because I indeed let them have a snack here, and have a snack there... all day long. A snack can be a piece of cheese, a peeled orange, some cheese crackers.
They get up every morning and have a good breakfast. Nevaly almost always has a piece of fruit with either yogurt, oatmeal, or some sort of bread. Nolan changes almost everyday. Today he had sausage and a yogurt. Most often it is a yogurt, and often times... thats it. In comes the snack. At about 10am he is wanting lunch. A turkey sandwich. Which is actually oven roasted chicken deli meat... but I would never tell him :) Accompanied with some sort of chip and a fruit.
Nevaly will eat cheese and usually only the cheese out of her sandwich for lunch and of course the fruit. We eat tuna. We have chicken noodles sometimes... but most often each lunch at home is some type of sandwich. It's what they like. We used to go meet daddy for lunch and have Arby's or Taco Bell every other day. Now I whip up some real gourmet sandwiches... "turkey" with cheese and mayo on two slices of bread.
After naptime they wake up wanting to eat again. Usually a fruit snack at this point. Then they ask from about 3pm on for crackers, and juice, ect.
Dinner rolls up on me like a concrete truck. The question is always so heavy... what do I make?? It's the same everyday, although it is getting easier these days to decide on something. I still have to consider what EVERYONE likes. The kids don't eat veggies. And for the most part are BOTH picky eaters. Nevaly used to be the baby who would eat almost anything put in front of her. But now she is like her brother. Throwing most of her meals to the wood floors below. It is so discouraging. I try and give them things they like, but am also concious of what they NEED. Neither of them drink milk, but they totally make up for it in the other dairy products they devour all day. So I don't think I am doing things wrong... but I know I could be doing things better. Sunday was just a day of whining. We decided we aren't going to give in to their frequent cries for something to eat, and actually make them hungry so they would eat their lunch. We went to Carlos O Kelley's. I know I know. We broke the same rule again. Or were you thinking, "you ate Mexican food again?!" I think I described our love affair above on that topic already :)
We went to Sam's Club and to the grocery store. Stocked up on this weeks must haves. Then came home and had no idea what to make for dinner!!! Five thirty rolled around and we decided on chicken and dumplings... and it was terrific. The kids gourged. We all had two helpings! I was so happy that we 1) ate at home, and 2) ate a really good meal that even the kids didn't mind putting away. We celebrated with ice cream!
I feel like a food blogger after that post. All in all, some changes were started that I hope I can manage to upkeep while the husband is away at work all day.

We have upheld the no pop household over the weekend, and honestly I think we are really going to be able to do this. I wouldn't mind having a coke... sure. But then again I don't really care anymore if I don't.

We have begun work on one of our rentals. Got all utilities turned on. Bought flooring, a water heater, and paint. I will be painting probably next week since we don't have a working furnace yet and it is FREEZING!
So glad to finally see some snow though. I was beginning to think I would be moving to Colorado in the future if Indiana winters continued to be cold and bare. I love snow!
We are hopefully going to hit the hills in Roanoke when Rob gets home from work and go sledding! Then to the Y to go swimming/ workout tonight. Praying the kids take a nice nap and are happy little babies for mommy in the toy room so I can do the elliptical for more than 10 minutes tonight!

Until next time...


  1. Dash is a snacker too and some days I just don't even make him dinner because he has literally eaten all day long. today is one of those days - i can't even name all that he has eaten today.

    Starting this new year we were supposed to stop eating out all the time - I said I was going to cook 5 days a week but that just hasn't happened. I finally went to the grocery for the first time in over a month so maybe starting today I will cook something.

  2. It gets easier with the cooking if you really just set your mind to doing it. I just said, I know that I am CAPABLE (stealing this from your blog actually) of preparing meals at home. I would shop at the store for things I wanted to make during the week and then just do it. It is a process, that takes a lot longer if you can't say no and deal with some heavy whining. Last week was awful around here because of changes I made for myself too. No pop was a total struggle like having snacks all day is for them.
    Good luck!
