
Friday, May 31, 2013

35 weeks and counting!

Heralded myself to the OB again today.
With the three babes in tow.

It was rather routine.
As they usually are at this stage.
One of those "Hi. Bye." kinds.

Weight in. Check.
Blood pressure. Check.
Doppler heartbeat. Check.
Measure the belly with a thin retractable tape. Check.
Any questions?

See you in two weeks.

The recent stats:

Weeks: 35
Gender: Boy
Position: Head Down
Aversions: Tomato/Vinegar based
Cravings: Sugar. Ice.
Complaints: Water weight. Ugh. As demonstrated in my face and {ahem} below the belly.
Heartburn: Of course. Even peanut butter can make me want to lose myself in a gallon of milk.
Feeling Baby Move: All. The. Time. This kid is very active.
Weight: 164
Gain: 34 pounds
Name: Nash Ryan!

And, the infamous...
Belly Pic:

Next preggie update in two weeks.
Then, it's every week after that, as we will be down to just three weeks left!

I probably should start thinking about getting the newborn boys clothes out, washed, put away.

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