
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Half Baked

That's right.
This baby, as of this past Saturday, is half baked.

Weeks: 20
Gender: BOY!
Aversions: None really.
Cravings: None really.
Complaints: Varicose Vein pain in my left calf.
Heartburn: Mild. Only at night when I lay down.
Feeling Baby Move: Yes! At night. And I think he had hiccups too!
Sleeping at night: Yes! When Nadie lets me.
Weight: 140 last week at my ultrasound. 
Gain: 10 pounds so far
Name: Nash Ryan!

And just in case anyone was interested, belly pics:

I think I am bigger than I was at this stage with any of the other three, but My Sweet disagrees.
In any case, I feel good.

Next check in, at the beginning of March.



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