
Saturday, April 9, 2011

#3 Visit Key West as a Family

I am excited to blog about another 30 Before 30!
This past week I got to visit the beloved Keys again!
As a family.

December 2007 was the last time we took a real {one week or longer} vacation. And it was the last time we had been to Key West in fact. I was five months pregnant with Nolan. The hub and I went down with my whole family and rang in 2008 with about 500,000 {probably more} other people on Duval Street.

Our recent trip went something like this:

Venture Out.
The freshwater hose.
Rock throwing.
Corona Light with Lime.
Blimp Road.
Superman Car.
Sand Angels.
Lost Luggage.
First Takeoff.
Granny Glasses.
Duval Street.
Flip Flops.
The beach.
Ocean breeze.
No air conditioning.
No paper towels, beach towels, soap...
Flashlight police.
Swimming in the ocean.
Seven Mile Bridge.
Pop a squat.
Taco Bell cravings.
Key Deer.
Bahia Honda Beach.
Mallory Square.
Getting kicked out of the pool.
Random Dance Party.
Candy Raids.
Sweaty Cheeks.
Airport food.
10 MPH.
Peel and Eat Shrimp.
Storm watching.
Overflow parking.
Butler Basketball.
Mad face.
Geiger BBQ.
6am flight home.
Home again. Home again. Jiggity jig!

And that's how a fabulous family vacation goes down in the history books folks.
Something I will treasure for as long as I live.

Here are just a few of my favorite pics.

Until next time...

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