
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day, Loves

Yesterday was Valentine's Day. We spent most of the day doing what we usually do:

Giving each other hugs and kisses!

Spending time as a family. Which we have the privalege of doing everyday. We play together. Read together. Run errands together. Clean the house together. Make dinner together. Even sleep together.
(Photo from Summer 2010)

Doing special things to make the ones we love... know we love them! Like make chipboard photo books of our favorite people (uh hem... the hub's Vday present this year).

We made each other happy. (most of the time)
We said "I love you" out loud. And proud.

We decorated the house in special ways to commemorate such things as a Monday afternoon craft with a lovely twist.

And we bought the kiddos some candy and a sheet of stickers.

The hubs brought me a heart shaped box of Turtles candy and a really big red rose :)

We were supposed to have professional pictures taken last night (not because it was Valentine's... I just happened to have a coupon and schedule the appointment on the same day). But we called 20 minutes prior to our appoinment and cancelled on the way there because Nolan fell asleep and sissy was in a really bad mood because she was ready to eat... now. And I already knew where that was heading... a very very bad photo session with a husband who already had no interest after having a typical Monday work day, a 2 year old who would have got a 15 minute nap and would have woken up beyond GROUCHY and uncooperative, and a 1 year old who was ready to dine and would not be photogenic until after that happened. I was somewhat bummed because we haven't taken a family pic since before Nev was born and I seriously looked cute last night.

My outfit was just adorable. Skinny jeans~ dark wash. A thin yellow thermal V neck. Sequined sleeve navy cardigan. My infamous leather bow belt that I simply wear with everything lately. Some leopard print flats. And a gold and white scarf. Plus, my hair just knew it was going to be photo-ed or something... it was behaving perfectly! My eyebrows were looking nice, my skin had a slight glow... I really hope our waitress at Pizza Hut appreciated my cuteness instead of the photographer last night. Because that's where we ended up. Ordering 2 mediums (Monday special... you get 2 for $6 each) and drinking soda pop with our munchkins for Valentine's Day.

Came home and were ready for some relaxation time by 7:30pm. The kids were wound up from all their candy and pop, so we nixed the idea to share cupcakes we had bought. We spent the rest of the evening watching the Bachelor while the kids played with some toys in the basement. Then we all went to bed by 10pm. Exciting. I know. But as I said in the beginning... yesterday was Valentine's and we spent our day almost like any other day.

Until next time...

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