
Monday, September 16, 2013

BEET it!

We are up to something good.
In the form of juice.

That's right.

We recently {yesterday} bought a juicer after we were at a friend's one weekend and saw all the things you can actually get juice from, and still make it taste good.
We had heard of putting things like raw beets, carrots, apples, strawberries, pears, grapes, broccoli, and kale into this microblade extractor and get all the goods in the form of a liquid.
But we didn't know it could be this good.

We tried it last night and started putting a mixture of this and that in.
And then got up this morning and made a great little recipe to send My Sweet off with for his lunch today.

If you are interested here is what I did:

1 handful organic red grapes {stems and all}
2 organic kiwis {peel and all}
10 organic strawberries {tops and all}
1 bunch of organic broccoli crowns {leaving an inch of the stem}
1 handful organic baby spinach

It is fabulous. And you can't even tell you are getting all those vitamins. And natural sugars.

We did a beet recipe last night that we liked too:

1 handful organic green grapes {stems and all}
1/4 raw beet {medium sized}
10 organic strawberries {tops and all}
1/2 medium sized organic apple {any kind will do}
1 handful organic red kale

Nev and Nolan slurped that down no problem. I barely got a drink out of it, honestly.
Really good. And good for you!

We found out that raspberries don't really juice and are best eaten as they are, and really the same is true to be said of blueberries. Peaches come out as a thick {smoothie-esque} liquid.

*Edited to add a couple more recipes we have liked.
Parsley is such a refreshing, clean addition to the drinks. I try to add a little with each one now.

1 organic green apple
1/2 medium organic yellow beet
1 handful curly parsley
1 cucumber
1 organic kiwi
1 large crown of broccoli
2 T milled organic flaxseed

1/2 organic Bartlett pear
1 handful organic spinach
1 organic banana
1 organic kiwi
1 organic small yellow beet
1/2 handful parsley
1 organic gala apple
2 T milled organic flaxseed

1 small piece of pineapple
1 small organic yellow beet
1 handful parsley
1 large crown broccoli
1 handful organic green grapes {stems and all}
1 handful organic red kale
1/2 organic green apple
2 T milled organic flaxseed

Parsley is a good for cleaning your kidneys of salt build up. Beets are great for cleaning the blood and adding a boost to your sex drive. Kale is a great antioxidant. And flaxseed is a fabulous source of Omega 3's.

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