
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

{Organic} Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe

Hi friends!

I have had a {severe} craving for tortilla soup lately. I have eaten it maybe a handful of times in all of my existence, but for some reason, I cannot live without having some. And soon.

So I Googled some recipes and even texted a friend about a tortilla soup I ate with her like three years ago! I don't even remember what that soup had in it, I just remember it was good. And I wanted some... right then.

After some research and a return text with a basic list of ingredients, I got the general idea that tortilla soup can range from pretty basic {maybe even bland} to a full on authentic meal!
I decided to venture without a recipe and put some ingredients together for something in between.
Easy. Right?

Anyways, off to the races... I mean the recipe:

Chicken Tortilla Soup Recipe {Serves 5}

Shopping/Ingredient List:

1.5 lb organic chicken breast, shredded
4 cups organic chicken broth
1 {16oz.} jar organic black bean and corn salsa
1 can {15oz} organic black beans, drained
1 can {14.5oz} organic diced tomato
1/2 cup frozen organic corn
1 tsp organic cumin
1 tsp organic ground garlic
1 tsp organic paprika
1 tsp organic onion powder
salt and pepper {to taste}
1 Tbsp fresh organic cilantro leaves, no stems

{Additionally} Some Topping Ideas:

Tortilla chips, crunched or tortilla strips
Fresh organic cilantro leaves
Monterrey Jack or a Mexican blend cheese
Jalapeno, diced or sliced
Organic sour cream
Organic avocado, diced


In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine the shredded chicken, broth and salsa. Stir.
Next add the black beans, tomato and corn. Stir.
Add the cumin, garlic, paprika, onion powder and salt and pepper. Stir.
Toss the fresh cilantro over the mixture and give another stir.

Simmer to a low boil. Turn down the heat to low and keep warm until ready to serve with your favorite toppings!

For a crockpot:

Pour chicken broth, diced tomato and corn into slow cooker. Add the cumin, garlic, paprika, onion powder and season with salt and pepper to taste. Add the chicken breasts and cook on low for 6 hours.

Remove chicken and shred, then return to slow cooker. Add the black beans, and cilantro. Stir. Allow to cook another 30 minutes until heated all the way through. Top with your favorite toppings, and enjoy!

{I purchase affordable organic ingredients at Meijer, Kroger and Costco. It is simply a family preference. You can use conventional ingredients if you prefer for this, and any other recipe, found on this blog.}

Thursday, February 12, 2015

{Organic} Chicken Pot Pie

Winter is for staying warm. From the inside out.
That's just my opinion.
But don't get me wrong! I love a good snowstorm. And building snowmen. And skiing down the slopes of Michigan with the cold wind against my face too!

But onto the keeping warm part of this post...
Chicken pot pie is a staple for executing a warm {full} belly in our house. And it's a great way to incorporate vegetables under a flaky, buttery, perfectly golden brown crust. Can you guess my favorite part?

So, anyways, here is your shopping/ingredient list:
{I choose organic products for a couple dollars more, but you don't have to.}

2 organic boneless, skinless chicken breasts- shredded
1 10oz. frozen bag of organic mixed vegetables
1/2 organic onion diced
3T organic butter + 1 1/2 frozen butter sticks for pie crust = 2 sticks of butter
3 cups organic chicken broth
1/4 cup organic all purpose flour + 2 1/2 cups for pie crust = 2 3/4 cups
salt and pepper to taste + 1/2 teaspoon for pie crust
6-8 T ice cold water for pie crust

Now here is how you throw it all together.

First, preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

Next, if your chicken is raw, you will need to boil the breasts in water until it is ready to shred. This process should take no longer than 30 minutes on med-high heat. Shred chicken with a fork.

Set the shredded chicken aside.

For the filling:

In a skillet over medium heat, melt the 3T organic butter. Add the diced onion, and frozen mixed vegetables. When the vegetables are not thawed but starting to get tender {about five minutes} add the chicken.

Cook for another minute before you sprinkle the 1/4 cup organic flour over the vegetable/chicken mixture. Stirring until it is all combined.

Pour the chicken broth in. Stirring until combined.

Continue to cook on medium heat until the sauce is thickened, then add the salt and pepper. Cover and then turn off the heat.

For the pie crust:
{I do not own a food processor. So my method for pie crust has always been done by me. And by that, I simply mean the two hands God gave me. It doesn't take a lot of work for this all butter crust though. Rule to remember: too much water will make this dough tough, not flaky.}

First get a measuring cup and fill it to 1/2 cup water. Add ice cubes. Set aside.

Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, pour the 2 1/2 cups organic flour, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in.
Now, remove the stick and a half of organic butter from the freezer and with a fork begin to chip away at it using the side of the fork on one end, to create flakes. Immediately put the flakes into the flour mixture.
With your hands, begin to combine the flour and butter. Turning it over onto itself and pinching the pieces of butter with your fingers in the flour until they are roughly pea size.
It should look crumbly at this stage.
Now take a tablespoon and ladle the ice cold water {without ice} one by one into the bowl. Starting with 3 Tablespoons. Mix with your hands. Add another 3 Tablespoons of water. Mix again with your hands.
At this stage of the pie crust, if you pinch some of the crumbly dough, and it holds together, then it is ready! Too much water, again, will make for a tough dough. So try to keep it to a minimum.

Finishing touches:

Flour your surface area. It's time to get this chicken pot pie rolling!

First divide your dough into two equal parts.
Sprinkle the first half with a little flour and use your rolling pin to roll out the dough to about 1/4 thickness.

Spread over a 9 inch pie plate. Gently press down the dough to line the sides and top. Leave an inch overhang and cut off the rest. Take a fork and poke a couple holes in the bottom of the crust.

Put the shell into the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes. It will look glossy and be warm.

While that is baking, roll the second dough to same thickness.

After the shell has pre-baked , pull it from the oven and pour the warm filling into the pan. Remember to use caution, since the plate will be HOT.
Cover the filling with the second layer of pie dough. Pinching the sides to meet the pre-baked crust.
You can get fancy and twist it, braid it, press it with your fingers... whatever. Just make sure the crusts meet.

Put back into the oven and bake for 40 minutes on the middle rack, or until golden brown on top! I use a cookie sheet on the rack below because as it bakes, it starts to bubble.

Remove from oven. Scoop generous sized portions, and enjoy!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Six! Holy cow that happened fast!

*old post that was never published

How can it be that you are now six?


It is getting harder to find the time to sit down and look at your life in review of the last year, because you are becoming increasingly busier as you get older. Which in turns makes things busier for me.

But here goes:

You are such a good example for your younger siblings. 
I am so proud of who you are. 
You treat the girls with kindness and respect. And at the same time, enjoy tricking them or wrestling with them like they were one of the guys. 

You are funny. 
Witty. You think on your feet.
And have a heart of gold. 
You are wild with creativity. 
And love to build.

Recently we have been enjoying board games. 
You can actually beat me at checkers!
You love it when I have to king you. And when you jump one of my guys.
You are always black. I am always red.
It's the "rules".
But I also like to play kerplunk, and marbles with you.
You are usually the one who wins, and are not the best at losing.. but after being on the coach pitch baseball team this summer, you are getting more used to it :)

You love to be outside. 
Play. Get sweaty. 
Kick a ball. 
Swing a bat.
Ride your bike. Or Razor scooter.
Get pushed on the swings, to include a couple "short stops" and "underdogs".
Or play "Giant" on the playset, where I have to chase you and the girls around and call out "fee fi fo fum" as you try and outrun me. You are quick. But sometimes I am sneaky, and will run under the playset and meet you on the other side. To which you scream, and then laugh, as I tickle you. 
And then it's your turn to be the Giant.

You wear shoes without socks.
Have stinky boy feet.
And often refuse a shower. Or bath. 

I have to remind you to brush your teeth. 
And to put your clothes in the dirty laundry.

You love to unwind on the couch, just like your daddy. And love a good "movie theater" at home.
Complete with a barrage of treats.

You have a soul that is on fire for our Creator, and it astounds me how many bible stories you can relay. I love to hear you tell the girls bedtime stories from the bible after we have read our book and said our prayers, and you are supposed to be sleeping. I love that you were brought to inconsolable tears one night because you told the story of Jesus dying on the cross for us. And you were so overcome with gratitude that you hid under the blanket and just wept. It was a beautifully, soggy moment. And I will always remember it.

You talk about moving to Florida. Often.
Saying that you are going to live on the ocean.
But not go swimming very deep, because there are big squid in there.
And you always let me know that we will still live together.
Unless I make you mad. Then you say that you will be like Kevin in Home Alone, to which you will start jumping up and down and saying, "When I grow up, I'm living alone. Do you hear me? I'm living alone! I'm living alone!" And I of course pretend to be sad, and then you try to hide smiling about hurting my feelings, and then we usually end up in a tickle fight, and you finally agree that I CAN live with you again.

You start a full day of school this year, and I hate that half of your day will be with someone other than me. But I am excited for you to learn to read and make new friends, since your preschool buddy for the last two years, Matteo, is in the other kindergarten class. You are not overly enthused about school as is, preferring recess over any real homework or learning duties. But I do think you will enjoy the accomplishment that comes along with learning new things.

Since your birthday has just recently passed, there is already talk about next years party.
Your imagination and zest for life is beautiful.

I love you.
To the moon and back, my boy.


Monday, August 25, 2014

Nash... reeled in the big ONE!

I love you. 
I love your sweet, three bottom and four top tooth smile.
And your beautiful, blue eyes.
You make me wild with happiness.
Even when I {literally have to} drag myself out of bed in the morning from severe sleep deprivation, I look forward to seeing what each day brings, because you are in it.
Like your siblings before you, you thoroughly enjoyed the rainforest bouncer as a bouncing baby.
With the exception, that you probably jumped the highest any kid has ever jumped in one of those things.
Up until a couple months ago, it was your go to item for enjoyment.
Nowadays, it is the little farm set. Or the piggie bank with big bright coins. Or the little music player that has a little door in front that you open. And close. And then open. And close.
You will wake up, and immediately crawl {very quickly} to what is colorful.
And put it in your mouth.

I love that drinking your bottle of organic milk still makes you happy. Even if it was twice at night. Up until about two weeks ago!
I would try desperately to let you cry yourself back to sleep instead of soothing you with a bottle of warm milk, but you were incessant. Crying loudly at the end of the hallway in your room.  

I love that when you see me, your whole world lights up and you will automatically put your hand in your mouth and tilt your head like your secret crush just found out that you liked them.
It seriously melts me. Every time.
I love that your nickname is Snooshie. And that you will respond if we call you that.
Although, since you turned one, we haven't said it as much as we have had to say "no".
You get into everything now!

You will pull any drawer open that you see. And empty it. 
And then close it. And then open it again.
Until you pinch your fingers.
The DVD drawer in the TV dresser, and the utensil drawer in the kitchen are presently your faves.
When you get bored with that, you will pull on the door stop. And giggle at the noise.
You have tried to eat Q tips. Toilet paper. Magazines.

But your favorite is pizza.
Although I don't think there is really a food you haven't liked yet.
You enjoy trying different textures.

But oddly enough, detested your birthday cake.
We can't complain that you prefer vegetables to sweeties.
Except we have turned you on to fruit snacks.

You are crawling very fast these days. And just starting to stand without assistance. But you are very stubborn and have to nearly be pulled to make you walk.
We expect in the next couple weeks you will be in full on run mode, because it has just been your style, to take things slowly before taking off and not looking back.
And honestly I am okay with it.
Be a baby. My baby. For as long as you like.

You babble along. Saying mama, dada, byebye, hi, and yeah.
And will wave. And clap. Happily. At even strangers.
Which by the way, LOVE you.
Holy moley, we have never gotten so many compliments from people!
We can literally be anywhere, and people from all races and ages will comment how adorable you are.
We are thinking of charging for photos soon.
Must be the dainty curls that now fill your blonde hair. Or your chipmunk cheeks. Or that button nose.
You enjoy each of your siblings.
Nolan loves to hold you, even when you squeal for him to put you down.
Nevaly loves to help you eat, or get you toys when you can't reach them. Or tickle you until you can't take anymore and start crying.
Nadie loves to also tickle you. Tucking her little fingers into the crevice of your neck.

You like to pull hair.
And will come crawling as fast as you can, if Nadie in particular, is laying down on the living room floor, just to get a handful.

You like to just sit comfortably in your daddy's lap just before bedtime.
And will wave to him as I creep up the stairs to put you to bed.

Lastly, I would like to talk about how you can be pretty particular about wanting to do things on your own. And show a great deal of frustration if it doesn't turn out as you plan.
I for one, find it to be pretty funny to see you lose your temper over a mailbox lid that wont stay closed, or a lid that won't go back on a jug, but you, you don't see the humor. And will work hard to destroy said item if it doesn't comply.

You are a true delight.

Our family is so full of love for you.
Happy 1st Birthday, my child.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Two TWO Skip to My Lou!

Our Miss Independent.

Since turning two in January, you have just flew the coop, so to speak.

 You run nearly everywhere you go.
You talk in nearly full sentences.
Brush your own teeth.
Take off your own clothes for a shower.
Pull up your own pants.
Push the pedals on a bike.
Help feed Nash his food.
Load/Unload the dishwasher.
Put clothes into the washer.
Take things out of the dryer.
Sort the laundry pile on the floor with me. Picking up pieces of clothing and saying, "Nadie's, Nolan's..."

You go to sleep in a big girl bed. Without complaint. And will even tell me when you are getting tired.

You love yogurt. Like adore. If I would let you, you would eat it for breakfast, a snack, lunch, another snack, afternoon tea, linner, dinner... well, you get the idea.
You also like to drink. Which isn't a problem right now because we only give you water or juice. But, you should probably get a handle on it... before you go to college.
You will eat vegetables when asked. But are only happy to stomach raw spinach or canned green beans. 

You are hilarious. You have a very funny personality. With a great giggle. Infectious when you really get going. You love to laugh with Nash.
You don't like being tickled as much as say Nolan, but you will let me pop your toes, if I ask.

You are a mirror of your older siblings. Anything they can do... you are going to try. 
Which has resulted in a few accidents. 
You ripped your labial frenum {flap of skin that connects your upper lip to your gums} by hitting your face on the coffee table about a month ago. 
You have skinned your knees. Both of them. 
Bonked your head. Many times.
Fallen down the stairs. Only usually four or five. And its usually because you slip on your bottom.
You will ride the stairs on your belly and your dad and I will jump up from whatever we are doing because we think you have fallen down the stairs and you will just be at the bottom laughing from going so fast.

You love to be outside. And will even go find and put on your sandals before pulling on the handle of the front door, and letting yourself out.
I can't wait to put up the play set in the backyard this week, because your favorite thing right now is to climb, and go down slides. And swing.

You love to sing.
Jesus Loves Me is a favorite of yours. Often requesting to let you pick the song in the car. Over and over.
But you do like to sing Zacheus and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star too.
You know your ABC's already. Even down to the end where you will ask that next time, I sing with you.
You like to play babies. Which is such a delight for me. Who had hundreds of dolls herself.
Pushing them along in a stroller, or changing their diaper.
You will do Ring Around the Rosey with Nev, and laugh every time you "fall down".
There is that giggle part again... and falling down.

You are a happy, healthy little girl.
Standing tall at 33 5/8 inches and weighing in at 27 pounds.
Your still very blonde hair, with dainty little ringlets at the end.
And gorgeous green eyes.
A couple of giraffe spots on your belly and back. And one on your forehead.
Cute little round, white teeth.

I feel so very blessed to have your little light in my life.
You shine brightly in our family.
You challenge me in ways your older siblings never have.
And I adore the fact that I get to be your momma.

I love you Nutty.


Wednesday, January 8, 2014


It's been a couple months {three} since I have blogged on here.
Apparently, starting this new year for me has been like starting a lawn mower that hasn't been used for a couple seasons.
Give it a few pulls {weeks}, and I will finally get moving {motivated} though.

December went by incredibly fast.
We spent the first week in the Wisconsin Dells at Kalahari Resorts.
{An all time favorite for this family. And an annual trip that started last year.}
Where water is in abundant supply.
And there is much to do.
We actually ended up staying an extra night in our two bedroom {complimentary upgraded} suite this year.
We rode down slippery slides, relaxed in an outdoor hot tub, teamed up for fast moving raft rides through water filled tunnels {Nolan and I actually tipped out of ours because it was so fast and we ended up hitting our heads on the side. Which did NOT make Nolan happy, and I was blamed for the occurrence for a good hour afterward...}, and swam in the wave pool.
Enjoyed mojito's poolside, ate at a delicious steakhouse, played {arcade} games late into the night, and even rode the Ferris wheel they have!
It is a place that I don't think we will grow out of any time soon, and look forward to our spring trip to the Ohio location soon.

Sadly, we also lost my husband's sister in December. And have been overwhelmed with grief by her passing. Somehow, I still haven't come to terms with the fact that she is really gone. And I know my husband hasn't either.
Her funeral was very emotional for both of us.
It pains us both so much to know that we will never see or hear her again.
It is a bitter reminder to always tell those that you love no matter the circumstance or distance between you, that you love them. Out loud. And often.
The last time I talked to her was on Thanksgiving day, she held Nash for the first time since he was born. And she was in high spirits. Talked about going Black Friday shopping and getting her kids some $4 pajamas at Wal-Mart.
Her passing was unexpected, and something no one is ever prepared to face.
We miss you Seleste, but have hope that one day we will see you again.
May you rest in peace until that day.

Christmas this year seemed to come quickly. Probably because I didn't have much time to shop, and because Thanksgiving was so late.
But as quickly as it came, it also went.
I didn't even get to put the picture ornaments for 2012 on the tree {I use the picture of my kids from the previous Christmas to put in that years ornament and then put it on the next years tree... if that makes sense}.
Although this year was bittersweet, we still had a nice Christmas. Very blessed to have family to share it with.
My Sweet got me a new iPhone and Tablet. {yes, I entered this decade for electronics... finally}
I am currently obsessed with Instagram on my phone {apologize in advance for the overwhelming amount of pictures I will upload to Facebook this year}, and playing Papa Pear Saga. As if I need another reason not to do the laundry, right?

And then, just like that we were celebrating the New Year. We stayed in this year, and oddly, all four of the littles made it past midnight.  We made an {eclectic} spread of handmade organic meatballs, buffalo wings, king crab legs, and queso/chips.
We popped our party poppers after the ball dropped and promptly hit the hay. All of us.

The day after New Years Day, we headed up north for our first ski trip as a family.
My mom, two {younger} brothers, and my brothers girlfriend also went.
Our car was stuffed full of ski gear, a couple changes of clothes, and Nash's favorite source of entertainment... his exersaucer/bouncer. It was quite the cozy five and a half hour ride up.
We have been up to Boyne Highlands a number of times before with friends, but this was the first time we would get the kids on the slopes. And we were excited!
The first night we arrived, My Sweet and I hit the slopes for a shotgun ski run. We were only out there for about an hour and forty minutes before the lift closed.
But it was everything I remembered.
And cold.

While the kids didn't exactly ski down on their own by the end of the trip, I think overall it was a good first experience for them. Learning to snowplow and ride the chair lift were a couple things they started to master. And like I always say {for just about everything}, you have to start somewhere...
Nolan and I got the opportunity to ski together by ourselves for a couple hours on Saturday before we left. And I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with just him. He definitely has a gentle, older spirit about him. We conversed like he was about five years older than he really is, the entire time. Never pressed for something to say to one another. Just fluid. Free talking. And I loved that.
He is a genuine, kind hearted little gentleman.

We spent two of the nights in the pool sized hot tub. Something the kids especially loved.
Nevaly has never really swam without the help of a life jacket, until this trip. And within the two days we were in the hot tub she was under water kicking her little legs and moving her arms... swimming like a little fish. She amazed me how fast she learned to move herself through the water, and how long she could hold her breath to get to the ledge. {freaking me out only every other time}
She kept saying, "can I swim to you? can I swim to you?" and then after she swam to me, she would immediately say, "can I swim back now?"
Can't wait to see what she does at the pool and the lake next summer!

We left Saturday to come home just before Snowmageddon started Sunday.
I can't say I wasn't thankful we did end up leaving Saturday {we actually contemplated leaving Sunday so we could ski a little more} because I would have been a nervous wreck driving back in that blizzard otherwise.
I already bite my nails, I can't imagine what would have been left of my fingers!

We got to play in the snow a little Sunday before the frigid air rolled in. My Sweet and I even threw some snowballs {at the children}! And had a good old fashioned wrestle with a little snow piling in the face for fun!
Nash was outside for about five minutes in a full snow baby suit before I took him back in. He didn't mind the cold, and actually enjoyed the falling snowflakes. Catching them on his tongue!

I would like to say we accomplished much being snowed in these last four days together, but, well... I just took down the Christmas tree and decor today whilst my Sweet went back to work for a couple hours.

I like winter. I do.
I am a January baby {along with our Nutty} and have always had this inner sync with being content in cold temperatures. Aside from being a homebody for like three straight months. It provides ample time to just be with each other.
And it is something I am looking forward to. Very much.

Winter is where I jump start my cooking/baking obsession. In the last week alone I have gone through an entire bag of flour, a pound and a half of butter! Forget the milk and bread in a winter storm, I must have butter!!!

We are integrating every aspect of organic living as possible in 2014. I have already switched our toothpaste again from flouride free to being absolutely chemical free. And I plan to do the same with my deodorant very soon as well.

Anyways, there is my {very long winded} update.

I hope the new year is finding you all well!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Time. Time is what he's indicating here... or in my case lack there of.

We quote movies and TV all. the. time.
Even the children can be found saying a few lines from movies they have seen. It's great fun.

The above quote is from Seinfeld actually. 
And these days, I feel like time is something I have been referring to frequently as of late.

Having the fourth has certainly had it's effect on me.
I can't seem to balance life quite like I used to.
I can have a laundry list of things I want to get done in a day, and for some reason, I cannot find the time to get it all done.
And frankly, it is driving me bonkers.

I am used to being a well oiled machine.
And it isn't that I am physically incapable, just maybe a little slower... or stretched a little too thin.
I like to think it has to do with the fact that my youngest needs so much attention right now, and that my {ever growing} list of to do's is often compiled of things from the previous day.
You know, that snowball effect.
Where things get so out of control, they seem unattainable.

{That's the laundry.}

Anyways, my husband has been home a great deal these last couple of weeks. It is his slow time of year for work and it has been so nice to have his extra hands.

I am hoping to really get some things accomplished over the next month or two. I have big plans for this house. Like moving the girls into a room together, and painting my kitchen cabinets!

I will surely update as time becomes available...