
Thursday, February 12, 2015

{Organic} Chicken Pot Pie

Winter is for staying warm. From the inside out.
That's just my opinion.
But don't get me wrong! I love a good snowstorm. And building snowmen. And skiing down the slopes of Michigan with the cold wind against my face too!

But onto the keeping warm part of this post...
Chicken pot pie is a staple for executing a warm {full} belly in our house. And it's a great way to incorporate vegetables under a flaky, buttery, perfectly golden brown crust. Can you guess my favorite part?

So, anyways, here is your shopping/ingredient list:
{I choose organic products for a couple dollars more, but you don't have to.}

2 organic boneless, skinless chicken breasts- shredded
1 10oz. frozen bag of organic mixed vegetables
1/2 organic onion diced
3T organic butter + 1 1/2 frozen butter sticks for pie crust = 2 sticks of butter
3 cups organic chicken broth
1/4 cup organic all purpose flour + 2 1/2 cups for pie crust = 2 3/4 cups
salt and pepper to taste + 1/2 teaspoon for pie crust
6-8 T ice cold water for pie crust

Now here is how you throw it all together.

First, preheat your oven to 375 degrees.

Next, if your chicken is raw, you will need to boil the breasts in water until it is ready to shred. This process should take no longer than 30 minutes on med-high heat. Shred chicken with a fork.

Set the shredded chicken aside.

For the filling:

In a skillet over medium heat, melt the 3T organic butter. Add the diced onion, and frozen mixed vegetables. When the vegetables are not thawed but starting to get tender {about five minutes} add the chicken.

Cook for another minute before you sprinkle the 1/4 cup organic flour over the vegetable/chicken mixture. Stirring until it is all combined.

Pour the chicken broth in. Stirring until combined.

Continue to cook on medium heat until the sauce is thickened, then add the salt and pepper. Cover and then turn off the heat.

For the pie crust:
{I do not own a food processor. So my method for pie crust has always been done by me. And by that, I simply mean the two hands God gave me. It doesn't take a lot of work for this all butter crust though. Rule to remember: too much water will make this dough tough, not flaky.}

First get a measuring cup and fill it to 1/2 cup water. Add ice cubes. Set aside.

Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl, pour the 2 1/2 cups organic flour, and 1/2 teaspoon salt in.
Now, remove the stick and a half of organic butter from the freezer and with a fork begin to chip away at it using the side of the fork on one end, to create flakes. Immediately put the flakes into the flour mixture.
With your hands, begin to combine the flour and butter. Turning it over onto itself and pinching the pieces of butter with your fingers in the flour until they are roughly pea size.
It should look crumbly at this stage.
Now take a tablespoon and ladle the ice cold water {without ice} one by one into the bowl. Starting with 3 Tablespoons. Mix with your hands. Add another 3 Tablespoons of water. Mix again with your hands.
At this stage of the pie crust, if you pinch some of the crumbly dough, and it holds together, then it is ready! Too much water, again, will make for a tough dough. So try to keep it to a minimum.

Finishing touches:

Flour your surface area. It's time to get this chicken pot pie rolling!

First divide your dough into two equal parts.
Sprinkle the first half with a little flour and use your rolling pin to roll out the dough to about 1/4 thickness.

Spread over a 9 inch pie plate. Gently press down the dough to line the sides and top. Leave an inch overhang and cut off the rest. Take a fork and poke a couple holes in the bottom of the crust.

Put the shell into the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes. It will look glossy and be warm.

While that is baking, roll the second dough to same thickness.

After the shell has pre-baked , pull it from the oven and pour the warm filling into the pan. Remember to use caution, since the plate will be HOT.
Cover the filling with the second layer of pie dough. Pinching the sides to meet the pre-baked crust.
You can get fancy and twist it, braid it, press it with your fingers... whatever. Just make sure the crusts meet.

Put back into the oven and bake for 40 minutes on the middle rack, or until golden brown on top! I use a cookie sheet on the rack below because as it bakes, it starts to bubble.

Remove from oven. Scoop generous sized portions, and enjoy!

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