Our Miss Independent.
Since turning two in January, you have just flew the coop, so to speak.
You run nearly everywhere you go.
You talk in nearly full sentences.
Brush your own teeth.
Take off your own clothes for a shower.
Pull up your own pants.
Push the pedals on a bike.
Help feed Nash his food.
Load/Unload the dishwasher.
Put clothes into the washer.
Take things out of the dryer.
Sort the laundry pile on the floor with me. Picking up pieces of clothing and saying, "Nadie's, Nolan's..."
You go to sleep in a big girl bed. Without complaint. And will even tell me when you are getting tired.
You love yogurt. Like adore. If I would let you, you would eat it for breakfast, a snack, lunch, another snack, afternoon tea, linner, dinner... well, you get the idea.
You also like to drink. Which isn't a problem right now because we only give you water or juice. But, you should probably get a handle on it... before you go to college.
You will eat vegetables when asked. But are only happy to stomach raw spinach or canned green beans.
You are hilarious. You have a very funny personality. With a great giggle. Infectious when you really get going. You love to laugh with Nash.
You don't like being tickled as much as say Nolan, but you will let me pop your toes, if I ask.
You are a mirror of your older siblings. Anything they can do... you are going to try.
Which has resulted in a few accidents.
You ripped your labial frenum {flap of skin that connects your upper lip to your gums} by hitting your face on the coffee table about a month ago.
You have skinned your knees. Both of them.
Bonked your head. Many times.
Fallen down the stairs. Only usually four or five. And its usually because you slip on your bottom.
You will ride the stairs on your belly and your dad and I will jump up from whatever we are doing because we think you have fallen down the stairs and you will just be at the bottom laughing from going so fast.
You love to be outside. And will even go find and put on your sandals before pulling on the handle of the front door, and letting yourself out.
I can't wait to put up the play set in the backyard this week, because your favorite thing right now is to climb, and go down slides. And swing.
You love to sing.
Jesus Loves Me is a favorite of yours. Often requesting to let you pick the song in the car. Over and over.
But you do like to sing Zacheus and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star too.
You know your ABC's already. Even down to the end where you will ask that next time, I sing with you.
You like to play babies. Which is such a delight for me. Who had hundreds of dolls herself.
Pushing them along in a stroller, or changing their diaper.
You will do Ring Around the Rosey with Nev, and laugh every time you "fall down".
There is that giggle part again... and falling down.
You are a happy, healthy little girl.
Standing tall at 33 5/8 inches and weighing in at 27 pounds.
Your still very blonde hair, with dainty little ringlets at the end.
And gorgeous green eyes.
A couple of giraffe spots on your belly and back. And one on your forehead.
Cute little round, white teeth.
I feel so very blessed to have your little light in my life.
You shine brightly in our family.
You challenge me in ways your older siblings never have.
And I adore the fact that I get to be your momma.
I love you Nutty.
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