
Monday, February 4, 2013

Sleeping Beauty?

I was certain that by ten months, my little sugar beet would have been sleeping through the night.
Just like her big sister did. And just like her big brother had also done.
Ten months came.
And then eleven.
Still. No consistent stretch of sleep for her... or me. Or My Sweet.
Twelve months in.
She might go from 1am to 6:30am five days out of a week. But we put her to bed at 8:30pm... so you can't really call it sleeping through the night when I go to bed at 11 or 11:30 most nights. And by that 1am hour she is wanting a warm milk bottle to put her back to sleep. So I am still getting up.
At least once.

When she first got sick two weeks ago, she was up a lot.

But last night, this little lady decided to whine and cry for a good hour before I finally gave in, and let her have milk. I was really trying not to let her have a bottle. But after My Sweet went upstairs and still couldn't go back to sleep because she was crying so loud, I gave in.

I figure we are close.
Just like we are close to having her toddle around the house. She is standing on her own, but refuses to walk unless you are within inches of her fall or grasp.
She will do it.
And apparently it will only be in her time.

So I will wait. As patiently as I can for that seven hour stretch when I am not up, stumbling across the living room to the kitchen to fetch a bottle of milk.Or find her pokey {pacifier} in the dark. Or press her "horsey" {glow-worm that is a seahorse} for the fifth time in fifteen minutes.

Hoping for at least a small break before July, when things will begin all over again.

Which by the way, the big ultrasound is this Friday.

I have tossed the thought of waiting to find out back and forth.
I have a deep desire this go round to just wait and see. But like I said in the very beginning, My Sweet has no intention of waiting. And that means, eventually {maybe even moments later} I will find out. Because he will slip up. Or someone he tells will. And then I will be mad. That I didn't just find out with him.
It is settled.

Besides, Nolan and Nev have been asking recently when we are going to know what we are having. As Nolan pleads for a brother, and Nev begs for another sissy. And I have always prepared them for things like this. And potty training, before we have to leave somewhere, a vacation, Christmas morning... you know the big things.

So, expect something fun on the blog Friday afternoon.
I am not having a gender reveal party, but have something up my sleeve if we are presented with the opportunity to find out the sex this time around.
Something that will involve big brother and sis.

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