
Friday, February 4, 2011

Some Random Things

I decided that today since I have done nothing productive, I would try and come up with a list of 25 30 random things about myself that even my family might not know.... here goes!

1. My favorite M&M is brown.
2. I adore high heels but rarely have the opportunity to sport them and am a giant when I do.
3. I hate lotion. As much as I think my skin could use some moisture, I will not put it on.
4. The first thing I notice about people are their teeth.
5. I hate my own smile. I would go gaga for some smaller pearly whites and some bigger lips.
6. My children sleep in the same room as my husband and myself... and most some nights even the same bed!
7. My children don't have a bedtime and usually fall asleep ONLY when we end up going to bed. Hence the same room situation.
8. I could eat Mexican food everyday if I had to.
9. I have five siblings and so does my husband.
10. I have lived in 10 different houses since graduating high school. All except two, were with my husband.
11. I have been a Realtor for almost 6 years now and manage to generate a decent part time income from it.
12. I didn't mind being pregnant, but had overwhelming fears of dying during labor because of the things I read about in Nursing school. Eek!
13. I also have my Associates of Science in Nursing with equates to an RN status...
14. But, I failed my boards in September 2009 after getting all 275 questions so I still don't have my license! And I'm not motivated to start trying again, but know that I need to in order to get my license!
15. I loathe laundry. I seriously have the same pile sitting in my closet because I only pick out the things I want to wash and wear and leave the rest for "another day".
16. I adore making hair accessories.
17. I love being a stay at home mom, regardless of what I say at the end of the day.
18. I love to cook.
19. A place I hope to visit before I die is either New Zealand or Iceland.
20. I played with Barbies and babies until I was a junior freshman in high school.
21. I can still become a pile of putty in my hubby's hands.
22. I believe in Jesus Christ as my one TRUE Savior.
23. I love to get dressed up just for the heck of it.
24. I love the sound of my children belly laughing.
25. I would marry my husband again... except on a beach this time.
26. Even though I have a dishwasher I will leave dirty dishes in the sink... for DAYS!
27. Have bit my nails since I can remember. But suddenly just stopped about four weeks ago. I can't wait to paint them!
28. I don't have a single framed picture in my house... ANYWHERE. And I hate that.
29. I started working when I was 15 at Subway. Got hired because I was the only person he had ever seen send in a resume at my age :)
30. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, with Christmas in a close second.

There you have it. Random ramblings.
I have seen this done in magazines and often wondered if I could even come up with 25 (or 30) random things about myself.... found out I could have had about 500. Once you get going, you can really get going.
Now, leave me a comment with 5 random things about yourself. Please! I would love to know a little more about you too.

Until next time...


  1. 1. i never make our bed - i just don't see the point when I am just going to mess it up in a few hours.

    2. On most mornings when I wake up there are 6 creatures in the bed - 2 giant dogs, 2 kids and my husband and I.

    3. i must have some kind of food complex b/c i cannot eat a meal when I am alone (or just w/ kids) which is why I usually end up snacking all day unless I meet someone for lunch.

    4. i am very unorganized and any time i try to organize it turns into a bigger mess than it was before.

    5. I am an attorney and member of the Florida Bar but I have no desire ever to work in the legal field ever again. i hate it.

  2. I had to laugh because I don't make my bed either. Ever. Okay okay thats a lie because I will make the bed if we leave for vacation or if people are coming over. But otherwise really, whats the point?
    Thanks for the comment! Now go post more randoms on your bloggity blog so I can read them :)
