
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Organic Chicken Fried Rice Recipe

I love Pinterest.
For a variety of reasons.
But mostly because I have this digital recipe box that I can save files to as necessary. And then reference them when I need to recreate things {or meals in this case, just like the one I made last night}.

{Organic- by my choice} Chicken Fried Rice.
It was easy, and really good.
Which puts it at the top of my list of faves.
And thankfully, my kids list too. Minus the peas, please.

Anyways, here is what I did different than the recipe I pinned. Since I didn't have the time for slow cooker teriyaki chicken, and I didn't have sesame oil on hand.

For the rice:
2 cups Organic brown rice
5 cups water
2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
Salt, optional
1 Tablespoon Organic Chicken Broth

Boil the water and salt. Add the rice and olive oil. Simmer for 25-30 minutes, or until the liquid is absorbed.
Put in a bowl. Drizzle the chicken broth over the rice. Set aside.

1/2 cup Organic peas, frozen
1/2 cup Organic carrots, frozen
1 medium Organic onion, diced
1 large Organic garlic clove, minced
2 Organic boneless chicken breasts, cubed
1 Organic brown egg
3T Organic butter
1/4 Cup Organic Chicken Broth
1 Tablespoon Organic Soy Sauce
1/4 Cup Organic Soy Sauce
Salt to taste
Black Pepper to taste

On medium heat, saute' the peas, carrots, onion, garlic and chicken with the butter and salt and pepper. Before the chicken is fully cooked, add the chicken broth and 1 Tablespoon of soy sauce. Let the mixture simmer in the broth for 8-10 minutes and then drain any remaining liquid from the pan. Saute' the mixture on medium to high heat, letting the chicken and veggies brown a little. Scraping the goodness from the bottom of the pan with a metal spatula. Next, crack the egg over the pan seared mix and stir it in to cook it. Remove from heat. Add the rice from earlier and stir it all together. Pour the remaining 1/4 cup of soy sauce over top and give a final stir. Serves 4-6 people.

And, if you are like my house, there will probably be leftovers, which are great the next day... cold. YUM!

If you make it my way, let me know what you think! Or you can link up to the original recipe from Pinterest here

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Four kids.
Four weeks.

How is it possible that I have given birth four weeks ago already?!
The phrase, "time flies.." is an understatement.
Obviously our days seem to run together in the summer especially, because we are doing so much.
Nash has already visited the zoo three times, gone to two movies at the outdoor theater, been to the pool and the lake, taken a road trip to Indy, gone to the grocery, and the mall.
Most of which he has completely slept through.
I am exclusively breastfeeding.
And so far, highly succeeding at it.
{praise Jesus}
He is a good nurser.
But has major reflux. 
Even throwing up what seems like his entire feeding some times. Projectile style.
He is getting up once at night to eat usually between 2 and 3am, after I feed him at 10:30 or 11pm. Then, he gets up again between 6:30-7:30am. He squeaks and grunts to wake me. Which is nice in comparison to the way his sister, Nadie used to wake up... in full fire alarm mode.

Speaking of Nadie... who has become my first real toddler.
I guess everyone has to have one, right?
She has been known to scale our coffee table, or the side end tables next to the couch just to go soaring through the air and crash land on the cushions, throw herself on the ground in protest, remove items from the pantry like whole loaves of bread or boxes of macaroni and leave them all around the living room.
She likes to unroll the toilet paper. All of it.
And lift the lid of the potty and say, "peeeeeeee" if someone forgets to shut the door to the bathroom.
She will scream to high heaven if a plastic shape on her shape sorting mailbox won't fit in the right place.
She likes to brush her "tea" and use everyone's toothbrush to do it.
She used to eat anything. And now, she is picky.
Refusing many things and only consuming her "dee" {drink} most days.
And then later when it's time for bed, asking to "EAT!!!" and then going into a full on meltdown until her daddy {who usually caves} gives her something.
She is rowdy.
And loud.
And into everything, that isn't hers.
Has bumps.
And bruises. 
From doubling as a bumper car with such things as doors, walls, the coffee table...

She likes to unload the hair drawer with all the brushes and hair ties. And her clothes dresser upstairs. Throwing her shirts over the balcony in the loft to the living room below.
And the shoe closet. Often trying on pairs and leaving them in places for us to find later.
She has become a bit of a handful. 
Keeping me on my toes.
And, as I just told a friend recently, also keeps me on my knees... praying for my sanity.

I do love her.
That split tooth smile.
Her wild giggle when I tickle her neck.
And the way she follows me around.
Running everywhere she goes.

Needless to say, we are still adjusting over here.
The children love their new baby.
Everyone likes to take turns holding him.
They sing to him.
Give him hugs. And kisses. On the lips.
And will come to the rescue with his pacifier, if he spits it out and is crying for its return.
Even Nadie knows what to do! 
My day to day duties are slowly getting back on track.
Laundry is at an all time high.
Dishes get put in the sink after dinner and will sit for days before I muster the energy to load the dishwasher.
I go back to sleep after his early morning feed, and thankfully the kids are sleeping in every day from pure exhaustion from the day before, but I am missing my Sweet in the morning. Sending him off with just a morning kiss instead of breakfast, or a packed lunch to take with him.

I shower mid day. Or at night. When my Sweet is home and can man the ship.

I am succeeding though.
{I think}
Four weeks in.
I will say, that having four... means more.
More demands.
Less time.
But, I wouldn't have it any other way.
We are blessed. As always.
Newly born picture:

One day old in the hospital:

Four weeks:

Do you see those BLUE eyes already?!

Already changing... {wipe a tear from my eye}
Besides the seventy five degree weather we are having in August... I am looking forward to a nice weekend.
Nash is getting baptized Saturday night, and my Sweet and I are getting some much needed time together at a Tincaps game Sunday afternoon.