
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Appetite Crush: The Fourth of July cELeBraTiONs!!!

Pinterest has put me in the mood people.
A very good, red white and blue, seeing stars kind of mood.
{well, it is the Fourth of July}
Anyone having a party with some of these amazing things this weekend?
If so, I'm coming over!

This looks like my kind of party. Even the vintage red truck. And the shade of the trees by an old barn. Especially if it were a stone's throw from any body of water. Swoon.

I would definately have a sweets table.


My adoration for summertime berries peaks around the Fourth. I also have a fond love for soda out of a glass bottle. Ice cold Coca Cola anyone?

And I would so wear this to the above mentioned party I am envisioning. It kind of goes with the whole vintage country feel I have going on. With some peep toe navy heels! Or bare feet.

These jars just make this dessert even better. Holy love for tiny things that can be eaten with a spoon {or fork}.

Snuggled in a sweatshirt to watch the fireworks are some of the best memories I have.

 These would be great when the sun started to set.

Again with the fruit. Seriously? I heart strawberries in July! {and June and August and September...}

Just in case anyone was wondering, I have a big imagination.
I have been droehming of having a big shindig with my family where there are over the top decorations and silly little Fourth of July everything's everywhere... for years.

We don't have any huge plans like that this year.
A dip or two in the lake.
Grilling and eating classic hamburgers and hot dogs. {and brats} 
Tangy lemonade.
Sipping ice cold beer.
Strawberry and blueberry dessert ensembles.
Sun drenched children.
Watching the boat parade.
Sweatshirts when the sun finally goes down.
Being with Family.
Snapping pictures.
Snuggling the Hub as the kids drift into slumber in the back seat on the drive home.

Come to think of it, I don't need ANY of those things in the pictures above.

My weekend sounds perfect already.
Hope everyone has a safe, happy holiday!


Friday, June 24, 2011

Uno! Dos!! Tres!!!

One, Two... a One, Two, Three!
And that's where I will leave it.

Because after yesterday's appointment, it was confirmed there is only one in there.
One baby, that is!

You are reading that right.
We are expecting another bambino. A brother. Or a sister. A human.

I found out May 13th.
Took a test after being a day late. And I am not really a person to keep track of the monthly bother... I just kind of knew. Something was different.

So I ventured to the store and bought some tests.
A double pack.
Just in case.
Went home.
Tried it on for size... errrr, peed on the stick and then ran out to meet the hub in the backyard.
Let me just say that second line took no time showing up to the party!
It was the same day we had gotten the chicken house and the Hubs was busy dragging it off the trailer with the neighbors oversized tractor.
When he saw me he jumped off the big orange rig, looked at the test, looked at me and then gave me a big ol' kiss. His smile was so pure.

Then of course we told Nolan and Nev. Who looked lovingly at my flat little belly.

Nolan by the way, is now growing his own baby. We didn't get into the fact that only GIRLS have babies because I didn't want to hurt his feelings.
And because I don't think a three year old has to understand and know everything... at three years old.
So I just go along with it.
At the doctor yesterday he refused to show his belly because he said his wasn't ready yet. Loves.

We are simply overjoyed.
We hadn't been trying. We had just recently been talking about adding another, but felt like after summer would be better timing.
Not true.
Is perfect timing.

I will have this baby just before I turn 30. Three before 30 seems just right.

Anticipating this new life is a lot of fun.
When the nausea subsides and the headache is cured with a daily dose of Acetaminophen.
I really look forward to the big ol' belly again.
I like being pregnant.
Although I am lacking in sleep this time around, I think the journey will be much the same.

And right now it is already 1/4 of the way baked.
Nine more weeks and we find out what we are having!
Yes! We will find out even though I already have one of each.
I like to know.
I have to know.

There are too many decisions to make before the baby gets here to decide after it gets home what it's name should be {inclined to go with an 'N' but am having a devil of a time coming up with anything I like}, what kind of clothes I should have in the dresser ready to be worn {in the dead of winter}, and what their brother and sister should be preparing for {if you ask them it is already a Piper... because their cousin is Piper. They adore her. So I told Nolan his baby could be Piper. He obliged.}
So there you have it.
Our news.
In a nutshell.

Which by the way, is I think the size of the baby this week. A nut.

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ode to a Daddy

Attention: Belated post ahead.

Well, look at you.
A daddy for three years running now.
And each year, I am delighted by all the things the past year of fatherhood brings for you, my dear husband.
I can remember like it was just last night how very slow you drove home from the hospital the first night we left to take Nolan home. I laughed at you, but inside my heart was swelling with love at how adoring you were of your little boy already.

From then on you have embraced the responsibility of the life we created together... with gusto!
You are his biggest fan.
His mentor.
His disciplinarian when necessary.
And of course his best friend.

He will often say he "loves you" from the backseat, just so you are sure.
He likes the Chicago Bears, to mow the grass, play golf and use tools... just because you do.
He will often request to stay up, just to fall alseep on the couch next to you.

He calls you guys "the boys". And will often put limits on what the girls can do with the boys.
He adores you.
Almost as much as his sissy.

Who, when Nev was born added a little more sparkle to your eyes.

You just sat there holding her in your arms for like ten minutes after she arrived. Soaking every bit of her in.
And from that moment it was evident you would fight tooth and nail to make sure she had everything she ever needed. {wanted is a different story.} {wink}
She just bats her eyes at you and you crumble.

She will run to meet you at the front door when you come home from work, just so she can wrap her tiny arms around your neck and squeeze you tight. She likes to sit on your lap. Or be held in your big strong arms.
She will request for you to swing her outside, and you do so until your arms are ready to fall off.
She sleeps sideways in our bed, often taking up most of your side, just to be next to you.
She gives you lip kisses {most recently with a little added snot} {yuck!}.
But, it's her love.
And right now... she only has eyes for you.

You protect them.
Provide for them.
And love them. Unconditionally.
Even when they have been fighting all day and you have to hollar for them to give you a little peace and quiet for the thirtieth time in a ten minute span.

They are your whole world, and it is something so sweet.

So today we say "thanks" for being who you are every single day.
A dad.
Their Dad.

Happy Fathers Day!

Until next year...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Pure Michigan

Ventured into Michigan this past weekend.
Let's have a little gander at how the three day trip went. Shall we?

Get in the car at 10:30am Friday.
Drop Nolan at the Orchid for his auntie to watch him until daddy was done at work.
Pick up my mom at Gram's in Columbia City.
Drive to Kendallville.
Stop for lunch.
Converse with Mom while we drive.
Mom and Nev fall asleep.
Listen to some good old country on the radio as my eyes search for the next exit.
Almost run out of gas.
Wake mom up by saying we might be walking.
Stop somewhere off Old 27.
Get Gas...... barely. The Honda was coasting people!
Get a graduation card for cousin and bug spray at a Walmart.
Drive again.
Feed Nev's constant desire to have food or a drink, or her baby, or her blanket in the back seat. {she actually did wonderfully considering the amount of time we were in the car}
Stop for Dinner.
On the road again!
Keep Driving.
Cross Mackinac Bridge.
Creep across I-2 at a measily 55MPH. {the longest part of the trip!!}
Find the Campground at 9:30pm... barely. {it was getting dark}
Get to the Cabin.
Unload the baggage.
Happen upon a situation about nephew's poop and a missing diaper.
Find the poop. Pick it up with a tissue and discard without making it a big deal.
Try to persuade sister to stay tomorrow after her catastrophic beginning.
Talk with cousins and aunts until around 11pm.
Climb in our bed up in the open loft.
Nevaly decides to stay up LATE after getting a short 25 minute revitalization nap in the car.
Finally fall asleep after some constant "goodnight's honey", "lay down please", "yes it's dark", and "mommy's right here".
Get woke up by a sleep talking Brother about bears in the pitch dark of the loft. And yes I answered him because I was unaware he had his eyes closed and was talking in his sleep! 
Get horsekicked by my mule Nev all night.
Hear the pouring rain at 5am. It was coming down hard, but I managed to fall back asleep.
Wake up at 8am to the requests of little children for some breakfast.
Nev wakes up too.
Feed Nev.
Get myself and Nev dressed.
Go to the grad party... with wet hair. 
Enjoy a BBQ style shindig.
In the constant mist of rain.
Poor Gabi. But congrats on your recent graduation!! You will be a fantastic Nursing student.
Eat some food.
Try to hold my niece Piper, who only loves her momma these days. {I had one of those. I can sympathize.}
She isn't having it unless I am giving her something to eat.
So I give her cookies. She is happy... for a while.
The sun comes out briefly.
Put Nev in the swing.
She doesn't want to get out.
I'm freezing by this point. Like purple lips and shaking knees cold.
So we go back to the cabin.
I change into my comfy sweatpants and an oversized sweatshirt.
I get lucky and get to nap with Nev.
Get woke up by a horrendous misquito bump on my nephew's arm with request to have a look.
Give motherly medical advice of applying ice to reduce the swelling.
Try to make Piper happy again by playing on the floor while Sister runs next door for Benadryl.
Hang around for several hours indoors. No desire to even see the outdoors at this point. I was just getting warm.
Talk about precious metals, UFO's and the government with cousin. {some very interesting outlooks}
Get into a very big fight with Sister. Not worth mentioning. It could blow it up again since she reads my blog. {Hi Em} 
Eat a bowl of Cheerios and a turkey sandwich for dinner.
Sit around said dinner table talking with Gram, Auntie and my mom.
Hollar simultaneously with mom and Auntie to shut the door at every person who was coming in or out because of the swarm of misquitos that emerged as soon as dusk hit.
Pretty sure I was going to wake up with monsterous misquito bites... but somehow that never happened. Probably because I am just not sweet anymore. Right?
Allow Nev to go down to the bonfire to have a S'more sans her mom.
Watch insistently through the window as various strangers hold her.
Call for her to come in after ten minutes. {Probably less.}
Give her a bath with her cousins.
Watch nephews turn into werewolves because of sheer sleepiness and wanting to be home again.
Watch as Piper finally lets herself fall asleep in my mom's arms.
Begin craving sleep myself.
Head to bed by midnight.
Continuously tell Nev to lay down.
Explain that Nolan is not here for the 40th time and that we will see him tomorrow.
Finally fall asleep.
Wake up every two hours because I am being kicked again and because I think it is later than what I wanted to sleep and that I will miss my scheduled 9am departure. {As if I would turn into a mouse if I wasn't in the car driving by that time...}
Wake up at 7:38am.
Lay in bed until 8:15am to hear Gram washing dishes downstairs.
Get up.
Nev awakes.
Feed her a breakfast of hot oatmeal and a banana. She barely eats either.
Strip the bed of sheets.
Pack my bags.
Put them in the car.
Say goodbye to everyone.
Start the drive home at 9:34am.
Later than I wanted.
So I speed.
Nev falls asleep.
Stop to take a picture at a gorgeous lookout by squeeling the tires and making a sharp right turn into the rest area.
Almost didn't stop because I was making good time, but couldn't resist the landscape.
 Continue my drive.
Cross the Bridge again.
Get gas before the yellow light comes on this time.
Speed drive.
Stop for lunch by waiting in line at a McDonalds in a "God only knows where" little town for more than 20 minutes to get a Fish Filet {dripping in tartar} and Chicken nugget happy meal... then decide to just eat it in the car. Because I am beyond annoyed.
Drive like mad.
Keep driving. But I am not mad anymore. Now I just feel sick from eating McDonald's. 
See signs for Coldwater, MI and really feel like I am on the homestretch.
Get into Fort Wayne at 4:10pm.
Stop by my office.
Print an addendum for a real estate deal.
Drive home.
Get welcomed by my sweet boys with a shower of kisses and a big bear hug!
So glad to be back.
Safe and sound.
Thank God everyone else who drove also made it home safe.

All in all, the trip was quick.
A short weekend retreat into the woodlands of the Upper Peninsula.
And that my friends is a little slice of Pure Michigan.

Until next time...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

As green as your garden grows

Crazy spring weather.
We literally went from weeks straight of torrential rain with loud thunderous claps, lightnening, and high winds to dry, humid hot jungle weather around here.
And my garden and trees have no idea what to think of it.
{much less the kids or myself for that matter}

We already had to return eleven of the fruit trees to Lowes last week because they just couldn't take the heat {or the rain}. The others were internet purchases, so I have to wait to decide if I am mailing them back...
The 18" 10" grass finally got a fresh cutting, and we have been meticulously checking the garden for any growth.
I have yet to see much of a change there.
I am thinking the seeds got washed away in the small flood that was our backyard a couple weeks ago. When Nolan took the liberty of running through the stream at the very back of the yard at 8:30pm.
But...we do have strawberries and blueberries emerging. With still no sign of  raspberries. They were sent as 3 year old sticks back in March and they remain as sticks.
And I had corn popping up in rows... until I detassled them because I thought that was what I had read on the seed package. {Yeah, I know. But I'm a first time gardener. Give me a break.} I am going to replant some this week. Maybe.

All in all, our huge droehm of having a bountiful harvest is dying a quick death.
I think we might be better off digging a big pond or putting in a pool at this point.
I know the kids would LOVE it! And, I mean all four of us kids :)

Until the green begins to show...